Kota Kemuning Church of Christ

May 2023

Can’t I Just Pray?

Praying for others, including enemies, is commanded and taught by example. It is important to serve those we pray for by finding out details of their needs and thanking God for His providential response. To pray effectively, one must study God’s word, live righteously before God, and use the power of prayer in selfless service to others.

In Search of Hope

The new year’s message for 2021 reflects on the challenges faced in 2020, including the pandemic, and the resulting impact on the economy, mental health, and society. Christians, in particular, have been impacted by the inability to worship together. The message draws inspiration from biblical stories of hopelessness, such as the Israelites’ flight from Egypt and the “lost years” before Jesus’ birth. It encourages asking for hope through prayer and sharing hope with others, particularly in times of physical isolation. The message emphasizes that, like Jesus, it is okay to feel hopeless at times.

Just a Servant

A poem emphasizing the importance of service and helping others, inspired by the examples of Jesus and the Samaritan. It encourages us to use our gifts to serve others and glorify God, and to not grow weary in doing good.

“Wake up, wake up, my child!”

A personal reflection on one experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic and how it compares to the memories of the May 13th incident in 1969. The author then reflects on how they have been blessed with stability and comfort in their life, and realizes that they should focus on helping those in need instead of complaining about their own situation. They express gratitude for their faith in God and their understanding of His teachings, which have guided them through difficult times.

Reflections: What I learnt from the MCO Lockdown

The article describes a personal account of how the MCO (Movement Control Order) affected the author’s life, particularly with regards to finding employment. The author shares their emotional journey during the lockdown period, including feelings of inadequacy and despair, but also the realizations and lessons they learned. They talk about appreciating the little things in life, such as having a job, being grateful for health, and the importance of supportive friends and family.

Reflections from COVID-19 & MCO

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the fragility of life, as seen in the loss of loved ones or disrupted plans. The pandemic was a time for the congregation to display brotherly love for one another, and the author was glad to be part of God’s family.

Growing from the MCO Experience

This is a personal reflection on the author’s experience during Malaysia’s Movement Control Order (MCO) due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Initially, the author was worried about the impact on their work in the education industry, but they were able to adapt to online events. The author expresses gratitude for the support of their church community during this time and highlights the positive aspects of virtual connections and opportunities for personal growth.

Reflections: What I Learnt from the MCO Lockdown

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on businesses and communities worldwide, including Christians who were subjected to mandatory lockdowns. Despite being confined to their homes, we can learn a valuable lesson: that nothing can prevent true worship and service to God. The lockdown also provided an opportunity to spend quality time together with one’s family, learn new skills, and appreciate God’s creation.

A Good Measure

A personal reflection on one’s experience during the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting lockdown. Acknowledgement of the anxiety and uncertainty faced during the pandemic, and the need for positivity and good words to counteract those feelings including the importance of gratitude, revisiting heroes and priorities, and the blessings of technology.