“Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.”
Proverbs 31:30
The Ladies Ministry of the Kota Kemuning Church of Christ aims to deepen our personal relationship with God, focusing on our role as women while strengthening the bonds of fellowship we have as sisters in Christ through spending time together.
The Ladies Ministry’s connections expand beyond our congregation; we collaborate with other churches both locally and internationally through ladies’ fellowships and workshops which aim to be encouraging and edifying.
The Ministry is currently focused on these objectives:providing personal value by engaging all the ladies in the church through visitations, fellowships, and retreats
- growing spiritually together by studying lessons themed from God’s Word
- sharings of personal experience from mature sisters in the faith, particularly in applying God’s word in their lives
- strengthening relationships and encouraging each other, through celebrations and personal check-ins
The Ladies Ministry is currently led by sister Jolene Chong. If you are a woman looking to learn more about God’s purpose for you, and desiring to build a bond of sisterhood, we would love to connect with you.