“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”
Proverbs 22:6
The Children’s Bible Class Ministry lays down the foundation of God’s Word amongst the young at the Kota Kemuning church of Christ: from babies, children, all the way to teenagers.
It is open to all children who wish to attend and we do not ask or expect any form of payment or contribution for our classes.
Our Sunday School programs are Bible-focused, structured by syllabus and divided according to age group. Our classes are:
- Cradle Roll, ages 0-3
- Junior Class, ages 4-6
- Junior Class 2, ages 7-9
- Senior Class, ages 10-12
- Teenagers Class, ages 13 and above
Our Children’s Bible classes are usually held at 9.30AM on Sunday, coinciding with the Bible Class at the main auditorium so that parents are free to attend Bible Class while their young ones are thought by our large team of dedicated Sunday School teachers.
We desire to help children cultivate a desire to continue delighting in God’s word and grow to demonstrate behaviours that emulate Christ’s character.
Lessons are taught in creative and interactive ways designed to help children understand the Bible in a fun way. The Ministry also plans events for children to develop their development and social skills, such as singing workshops, baking classes and field trips.
The Ministry is also dedicated to growing and training our teachers to be the best teachers they can be. We plan various development programs and mentorship for teachers and aspiring teachers who are keen to teach and passionate about young children.
The Sunday School Ministry is led by sister Vivian Lee and sister Sandra Leong.
If you have children you’d like to enroll in Sunday School, do let us know here and we’ll get in touch.