Kota Kemuning Church of Christ

“Water Baptism Is Not Required for Salvation”

As a follow-up to last month’s article dealing with the deadly doctrine of “Salvation by Faith  Only,” we want to consider the widespread false teaching that water baptism is not essential to  salvation. If one does not give the scriptural answer  to the question, “What must one do to be saved,”  that is a serious problem.

I have not encountered a single denominational person who does not think that being baptized is a  good thing to do. Many of them would say a person ought to be baptized in order to imitate Jesus,  because He was baptized. Some would go so far as to tell us that being baptized is a command of the Lord. But, the overwhelming majority of denominations insist that baptism has nothing to do with salvation.

What does the Bible teach about the purpose of water baptism? Is there a connection between being  immersed in water and receiving forgiveness of sins? There is, indeed, and the Bible clearly shows it.

Let us begin in Acts 2. Peter, a Holy Spirit guided apostle, told lost Jews on the Day of  Pentecost, “Repent, and let every one of you be  baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the  remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of  the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:38). According to that  verse, what two things were required in order to  receive the remission of sins?

Answer: repent and be  baptized. Put another way, according to Acts 2:38,  what is the purpose of water baptism? Answer: to  obtain the remission of sins. If baptism was required  in order to receive the remission of sins, were those  people lost or saved before being baptized? They were lost. 

We now consider Acts 22. The Lord sent a  disciple by the name of Ananias to the city of  Damascus, where Saul of Tarsus had been praying,  but had not eaten or drunk for three days (Acts 9:9-11). What did Ananias charge Saul to do? “And now  why are you waiting? Arise and be baptized and  wash away your sins, calling on the name of the  Lord” (Acts 22:16). According to that verse, what  was the purpose of Saul being baptized? Answer: to  wash away his sins. If baptism was required in order  to cleanse him of his sins, would that mean his sins still were “on” him prior to his baptism? Yes, it would.

Let us move on to Mark 16. Before ascending back to heaven, Jesus made this declaration about  salvation: “He who believes and is baptized will be  saved; but he who does not believe will be  condemned” (Mark 16:16). According to our Lord’s  words, who is it that will be saved? Answer: “he . . .  will be saved.” Which person? Is it one who only  believes? No. It is one who only is baptized? No. In  the Master’s language, it is one “who believes and is  baptized.” The word “and” means something, correct?

When the Bible says “Peter and John” went up to the temple (Acts 3:1), what does “and” signify  in that statement? That it was Peter plus John who  went. In the same manner, to state that he who  believes “and” is baptized indicates that salvation is  granted to one who responds to the gospel by  believing plus being baptized. According to Mark  16:16, does baptism come before or after salvation?  Before. Jesus put it this way: (1) believe . . . (2)  baptized . . . (3) saved.

Let me share some evidence that some emphatically affirm that a person is saved before being baptized, which is another way of saying that  baptism has nothing to do with being forgiven of  sins. In a private Bible study that involved me, two other brothers, and two leaders of a denomination,  one of the denom’s deacons stated that he would not baptize a person unless he was convinced that the person already was saved. Thus, his unwavering  position was: salvation comes first, followed by  baptism. Hmm. That sounds different from Mark 16:16.

From the web site of the City Harvest Church: “While baptism itself has no power to cleanse or  save from sin, it is an important step of obedience in a believer’s life as an outward acknowledgment of  the salvation experience that has already taken place . . . Baptism follows salvation” [www.chc.org.sg/water-baptism]. Hmm. That sounds different from Acts 2:38.

One group in the Chattanooga, Tennessee area  (where I currently live) publicly tells the world, “We  believe that water baptism is an act of obedience to the command of Christ and is by immersion after salvation” [www.brainerdhills.com/beliefs]. Hmm. That sounds different than Acts 22:16.

A separate denominational web site affirms, “. . .  baptism is important but not necessary for  salvation . . . the Bible teaches that baptism  symbolizes that a person has been saved and is  not a means of salvation . . . While baptism is not  essential for salvation, it is a very important  requirement for obedience to the Lord . . . baptism  is to follow a person’s conversion”  [www.baptistdistinctives.org/resources/articles/believers baptism; all quotes in this article were taken on 15  September 2020, and all emphasis is mine, rdc].

What an individual or group teaches about the purpose of baptism is not a trivial matter, nor are the issues we set forth in this article “just a matter of  opinion.” Our beliefs, teaching, and practice must be based on the Scriptures. God’s word plainly shows that water baptism is necessary to salvation. One may deny that, but God’s truth is still the truth. 

Roger D. Campbell