Kota Kemuning Church of Christ

Matthew 19 — Marriage Is a Relationship

In the latter portion of Jesus’ earthly life, the  Pharisees asked Him, “Is it lawful for a man to  divorce his wife for just any reason?” (Matthew  19:3). Jesus did not always give a verbal response  when He was asked a question, but in this case He  did.

Jesus’ answer: “Have you not read that He who  made them at the beginning made them male and  female, and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave  his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh?’ So then, they are  no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has  joined together, let not man separate” (Matthew 19:4- 6).

From the words which Jesus spoke on that  occasion, we learn a number of things about the  marriage relationship. Marriage is a relationship that  is universal in nature: it is for those of every  nationality, every culture, and every race, including  those who are in the Lord’s church and those who  are not. Because of that, every person in the world  needs to give serious consideration to these truths  set forth about marriage by the Master: 

1. Marriage is a God-ordained relationship (19:4,5). God Himself is the one who established the  marriage bond. For those who get married, God  created them and He joins them in this relationship.  It is an act of disrespect to the Lord to try and  eradicate or even slightly alter the marriage  relationship which He has instituted.

2. Marriage is a male-and-female relationship (19:4,5). In the words of Jesus, it is (1) “male and  female,” (2) “father and mother” (two genders), and  (3) a man/husband and his wife. Jesus made it plain  that, according to God’s plan/will, marriage is for  two humans of the opposite gender: female and  male. Mockery of such a plan by calling it  “outdated, traditional marriage” does not change a  thing! Passing civil laws which give human  approval to same-gender relationships does not  modify a thing! And, religious leaders endorsing  same-gender “marriage” cannot nullify the Christ’s  decree! Our Lord’s words stand . . . they are final.

3. Marriage is a God-regulated relationship (19:4,5). God “said” it and we “read” it. He has  expressed His will for marriage, and it is mankind’s  duty to accept His arrangement. Each of us should  possess this mindset about marriage: “I will hear  what God the LORD will speak” (Psalm 85:8).

4. Marriage is a leaving-and-cleaving  relationship (19:5). A man leaves his parents and  cleaves to his bride, showing a top-level  commitment to her and their marriage together. A  spouse should be more devoted to his/her marriage mate than they are to anyone except the Lord God.

5. Marriage is a permanent relationship. May a  man divorce His wife for any cause? The Christ’s  implied answer was, “No,” as He forbids humans to  separate/put asunder the marriage union which God  joins (19:6). The same God who established  marriage hates divorce (Malachi 2:16).

As Jesus’ conversation with the Pharisees  continued, He further stated, “And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual  immorality [‘fornication,’ KJV], and marries  another, commits adultery; and whoever marries  her who is divorced commits adultery” (Matthew  19:9). Thus, if a man divorces his wife when she has  not committed fornication, then turns around and  enters a “marriage” with a second woman, the Lord  calls that new relationship “adultery.” The  implication is, if he divorces his original wife  because she has committed fornication, then if he  goes on to marry a second woman, that new  relationship is not an adulterous union. Though not a  part of the Matthew 19 context, it also is true that if  one’s spouse dies, the surviving spouse no longer is  counted as married to the deceased (Romans 7:2,3).

Any society is blessed when it gives heed to  what the Lord of heaven and earth says about  marriage and the family. Societies which fail to  submit to His will for the home must face the  unpleasant consequences of their unwise course of  action. May God’s church be ready at all times to  teach, support, and practice what He says about the  marriage relationship.

— Roger D. Campbell